Every Day, More Harmful Radiation Bombards You!

Cell phone towers, weather radar systems, governmental and private-sector enterprises - everywhere you turn, more organizations compete to channel dangerous levels of high-frequency energy over vast areas of our modern landscape. This sea of unnatural energy washes over every thing on Earth, altering brain functions and neurochemistry in subtle and insidious ways.

Feeling Tired, Stressed, And Unmotivated?

Does it seem to you that everyone these days is stressed out, barely keeping up with life, and upset most of the time? Do you think it is coincidental that this increasing flood of general depression and listlessness corresponds to recent sharp increases in the number and types of devices broadcasting high-frequency radio waves? We are doing this to ourselves!

HAARP - Disrupting Our Ionosphere With Your Tax Dollars

The U.S. Department of Defense "High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program" (HAARP), undergoing active testing right now, focuses high-energy radio emissions on our planet's ionosphere. The ionosphere is a highly charged area surrounding Earth's atmosphere, ranging from 40 to 60 miles above the surface of the Earth. HAARP research continues toward the goal of developing a focused and steerable electromagnetic beam that can be bounced off the ionosphere and directed to any location on the surface of the Earth. Supposedly, this system is to be used for communications and radar applications - but even that will involve vast amounts of energy. Imagine the intensity of a military scanning system that can deploy ground-penetrating radar waves bounced off an atmospheric layer sixty miles overhead from a control system half a world away! Would you want to be standing in that beam of energy? I think not.

Waves From The Deep

Astronomers tell us that the apparent quiet of deep space is in fact a roaring sea of energy, bombarding our planet night and day with strange cosmic radiation. With the holes in our protective ozone layer and our own government's manipulation of our planet's electromagnetic defenses, we are ever more vulnerable to unknown influences traveling to us across cosmic distances. Sunburn and skin cancer may be the least of our problems - many people think our very DNA is being rewitten under the influence of high-energy radiation not of terrestrial origin. Some of these mysterious energies pass easily through the thickness of the entire planet, ripping through the atmosphere, our seas and continents - and us.

Protect Yourself At Once!

Over time, it is possible that life on this planet could evolve adequate defenses against high levels of high-energy radiation. On the other hand, we could be facing a massive extinction in the face of these threats. Remember what happened to the dinosaurs - species that can't adapt quickly die out. Fortunately, the same principles of physics involved in the HAARP project can be applied to craft a defense against these harmful rays. Beat evolution to the punch - start protecting your most delicate and vulnerable nerual pathways TODAY!

Free Your Mind!

Safely shielded behind an unyielding electromagnetic barrier, who knows what your battered brain will think up? Countless energies are being focused within you even as you read this message, sapping your strength and forcing you to spend more and more of your personal energy to ward off ill effects. Think how nice it will feel when your cranial protection system is settled in place, turning aside the showers of high-frequency radiation that surrounds you?