PowerShell Basics
GOAL: Locate PowerShell on your Windows PC, create a
desktop icon for it, run it, set your PowerShell script
execution policy to allow you to run scripts, and write and
run a simple PowerShell script.
Locate PowerShell
If your PC is running Windows 7 like mine, you've already
got PowerShell installed as part of the OS. It's not advertised,
but it's there. Click 'Start', then type powershell into
the search box. The top item displayed should be 'Windows PowerShell'.
Create a desktop icon for PowerShell
While you've got the results on the screen from your search
for powershell, right-click the 'Windows PowerShell'
item, then click 'Send to', then click 'Desktop (create shortcut)'.
This will create a desktop icon that will launch a PowerShell
window. You could also pin PowerShell to the task bar, start menu,
etc. - it's just a program like any other program on your machine.
Start PowerShell
Now that you have a handy way to launch a PowerShell window,
double-click the PowerShell shortcut on your desktop and
fire it up! The window that appears looks a bit like a
DOS command prompt window. It's a command-line interface,
and you should be familiar with the command line if you've
done any scripting. Type 'exit' to close the window when
you're finished.
Check and Set Script Execution Policy
By default, your PowerShell environment is restricted. This
means that you cannot execute PowerShell scripts. I assume
this is set this way to allow Windows internal functions to
use scripts to manage the system while protecting you from
yourself. In any case, it's easy to adjust the script execution
policy to allow you to wtite and execute scripts.
First, you can check the current script execution policy from the
PowerShell command line:
On a default Windows 7 machine, this command will return a
value of 'Restricted'.
There are a number of available choices when it comes to
setting script execution policy, and I'm not going to cover
all of that here. For our initial tinkering, the following
command provides a reasonable level of security that lets
us write and run scripts and is limited in scope:
set-executionpolicy RemoteSigned -scope currentuser
This change is persisted in the Windows registry, and it
will remain in effect for future PowerShell sessions. You
can verify that the change has been applied by running
get-executionpolicy again and exiting and restarting
PowerShell and verifying that the change is persistent.
Again, note that scripting functionality is disabled by default.
You must change the policy to allow yourself to run
scripts if you expect to get anything out of the rest of this
Write a simple script
Now that you've set your execution policy, you're ready to
write your first script. To keep things tidy, you'll want to
create a directory that will contain your PowerShell scripts.
Create a directory named MyScripts in your Windows user directory.
If your name is fred, the new directory will be
fred/MyScripts. When you launch the PowerShell
window, you'll be in the fred directory and you can
cd MyScripts to get into your scripts directory.
PowerShell scripts have the file extension .ps1,
and you can edit them in Notepad. Here's an interesting
way to create a script file and edit it with Notepad:
cd MyScripts
New-Item -Path derp.ps1 -ItemType file -Force
notepad derp.ps1
There's nothing magic about creating your script file
with New-Item - you could just as easily fire up Notepad
in the usual way and save your script as derp.ps1
in the MyScripts directory.
Here's a simple "Hello World" script:
write-host "Hello, world!"
$greeting = "Hola"
$name = "amigo"
$salutation = "$greeting" + ", " + "$name" + "!"
write-host "$salutation"
$IPADDR = ((Test-Connection $env:computername -Count 1).ipv4address).ipaddresstostring
write-host "Wow! Your IP address is $IPADDR"
This script shows you a few very basic things about how
you can write strings, along with a tiny glimpse of
how PowerShell can see and interact with your OS.
Type this script into derp.ps1 and save it into your
MyScripts directory.
Run a simple script
Running the script is simple, but you have to explicitly
provide the path to it. [Unix users: your current working
directory is not in $PATH.] Assuming you're in your
MyScripts directory, you can run the script like this:
Here's what you should see:
Hello, world!
Hola, amigo!
Wow! Your IP address is ###.###.###.###
Amazing, right? Hey - what did you expect from your first
PowerShell script? Take a bow - you are now a PowerShell
By working through these steps, you've learned a number of
- Your Windows machine provides a scripting environment
that is surprisingly powerful, especially when compared to the
limited .BAT scripting capability of the old days of DOS.
- You can set your security policy to enable you to write
your own scripts.
- The PowerShell scripting environment has deep visibility
into the internals of your OS and machine setup, enabling
you to write complex scripts that are interesting and useful.