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Blues #2
Blues #3
Greg's Notation



Greg's Notation

Greg has his own form of shorthand notation, and it works pretty well. Here's an example:

|              |              |              |              |
|              |        2  4  |              |              |
|        2  4  |  0  4        |        2  4  |        2  4  |
   0  4                          0  4           0  4

This represents four measures of 4/4 music. The horizontal lines are the bass guitar strings, appearing just as you see them when you strap on the guitar and look down at the neck. Vertical lines are measure dividers - time, not frets.

Circles on the horizontal lines are notes. In this example, there are four quarter-notes played in each of the four measures shown. The note circles are drawn on the string they're played on.

Numbers under circles are fret numbers, with 0 (zero) representing an open string.

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