CDE Wallpaper
Want to change the wallpaper on your CDE desktop? It's easy:
- Convert your image to XPM format with the Gimp or some
other image editing program
- Copy the XPM file to /usr/dt/share/backdrops with a
file name extension of .pm
- Make sure file permissions and ownership are consistent
with the other .pm files (in my case, perms are 444 and
ownership is root:bin)
- Use the Backdrop Style Manager to select the new image
There's just one catch - and it's a big one. The backdrop style
manager chokes on large image files. By "large", I mean "bigger
than about 113 by 88 pixels - the size of the
image that's one of the default backdrop images.
Of course, I started out by trying this with an 8-meg image file;
the poor little style manager utility chokes to death trying to
start up with that image in the directory. I think it's trying
to generate a thumbnail view, or something.
I created a new XPM image (72x72 pixels), copied it into
the directory, set permissions to 444 and ownership to
root:bin, and it works like a charm.
NOTE: The backdrop image is tiled, period. I don't
see a way to center an image and only display it once.
Now, to see what the effective limit on image size really is..